
Variant road “Trivulzia”

Variant road “Trivulzia”

The construction of the new axis is aimed at improving road safety, with the reduction of traffic crossing the Municipality of Samolaco, in Valchiavenna. The intervention concerns the construction of a new roadway with a length of about 3 km, with connection to the existing provincial roadway by means of two roundabout intersections. The road platform is characterized by an F2 section. The project has been subjected to a Regional VIA verification procedure. The road design was drawn up based on a LIDAR survey and return of the point cloud and DTM. The modeling if the new infrastructure was carried out by means of a BIM process, through which it was possible to evaluate in detail the minimum distance with respect to the MP gas pipeline and AT power line.

Place: Lombardy, Italy
Client: Province of Sondrio
Years: 2019 – 2022
Cost amount: 5.2 million €
Categories: V.02, S.05, S.03, D.04, IA.03
Services: Final and executive design, safety coordination during design