
Rockfall risk in Val d’Adige area

Works for the protection against rockfall on road 11 “of Val d’Adige”

The intervention area and all the surrounding area, characterized by vertical walls, is subject to landslides that affect, within a few meters in a straight line, the provincial road SP11 of Val d’Adige and the bike path that runs parallel between it and the Adige river. Due to the stepped morphology of the slope under study, the fall trajectories evaluated following the rockfall model have shown significant heights (even over 20 m vertically from the ground level). A rockfall protection tunnel of about 150 m was therefore constructed to protect the most critical section of SP11, while the remaining project section involved the installation of about 550 m of rockfall barriers on the slope. The tunnel consists of a main portal to protect the provincial road and a cantilevered ledge for the protection of the bike path running alongside. The barriers have a nominal height of 7m with an energy capacity of 5000kJ. A key aspect in this design was the interference with several elements, including a high-voltage power line, the passage through the tunnel (below the slope) of the Biffis canal, and the presence of the medieval Corvara Castle. The construction, particularly for the creation of the tunnel, was constrained by the client’s need to ensure vehicle traffic flow. For this purpose, a temporary one-way alternate traffic system was planned.

Place: Veneto, Italy
Client: Province of Verona
Years: 2022 – on going
Cost amount: 7 million €
Categories: S.05, S.04
Services: Final and executive design, coordination during design and execution phase, construction