
Pettorina stream

Resurfacing and improvement of pedestrian and roadway crossings connected to the viability, Pettorina stream in the municipality of Rocca Pietore

The Pettorina stream originates at the foot of the Marmolada massif and flows for about 10 km to its confluence with the Cordevole, one of the main tributaries of the Piave River. The area of intervention is near the village of Col di Rocca, where the road system was heavily damaged following the “VAIA” weather event. The project included the restoration of safe mobility conditions to reach the right bank, both in accessing the bike path, as well as the residences present, and the improvement of the conditions of transitability of flood flows in the highlighted section. Two-dimensional hydraulic modeling made it possible to analyze the regime hydrodynamics of the watercourse under study leading to the definition of an enlargement of the outflow section, the construction of reefs to protect bank, an earthen embankment elevation on the hydrographic left as a barrier to the possibility of overflow, and finally a greening of the areas subject to intervention after the work is completed.

Place: Veneto, Italy
Client: Veneto Region
Years: 2020 – 2022
Cost amount: 340.000,00 €
Categories: D.02, S.04, V.02
Services: Final and executive design, construction supervision, safety coordination during design and execution phases