
Variant road “Motte di Oga”

Summit section in the municipalities of Valdisotto and Valdidentro

The construction of the new axis is aimed at improving road safety, with the reduction of traffic crossing the Municipality of Samolaco, in Valchiavenna. The aims to create and alternative route to reach Livigno, which excludes the crossing of the town of Bormio and the hamlet of Premadio di Valdidentro, a situation that has always been the cause of the significant traffic. The variant road is about 1200 m long, the road platform is a type ”F2 secondary suburban road”. The mountainous context in which is inserted has necessarily conditioned the design choices and the need to carry out significant support works, by gravity or with Berliners pulling. Particular attention has been given to the plan-altimeter definition of the track, to keep excavations and earth movements to a minimum. The design was carried out using the BIM methodology, starting form LIDAR survey of the terrain and determination of the DTM of the terrain.

Place: Lombardy, Italy
Client: Province of Sondrio
Years: 2022 – ongoing
Cost amount: 8.8 million €
Categories: V.02, S.03, S.04, S.05
Services: Final and executive design, safety coordination during design, EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) screening